Annus primus completum

What a difference a year makes. This time last year, we had a few experimental brews in our tanks, opened our taproom doors, and discovered all the things we hadn’t thought of. We haven’t stopped moving since. We still have plenty to learn, but we know for certain we couldn’t be where we are—or get where we’re going—without YOU.

We are beyond grateful to everyone who got us through this first year. Our investors believed we had something worth doing. Our family supports us in all we do. Our kiddo has great ideas and willingly hangs out in the brewery. Our friends cheer for us, show up over and over again, and share their connections and amazing talents with us. Our employees—we’ve had a few over the course of a year—have worked so hard at so many varied tasks. Our taproom customers are adventurous, fun, generous, joyful, kind, nerdy, and wonderful humans who have great taste. Retail and restaurant customers take a chance on us and go back for more. Our vendors get what we’re doing and sign on for the ride. Our chef and event partners are so skilled at what they do and enliven our taproom whenever they pop up. Our landlord and neighbors are collaborative and helpful, creating a great 120 N Meadows Rd community. The Town of Medfield is a great place to be, with its welcoming residents, dedicated Town employees, locally-owned hardware store, and beautiful outdoor spaces.

We love introducing you to something new, local, handcrafted, and unexpected in the taproom and beyond. Thanks for standing by us and seeing where the sake adventure takes us.

We’re celebrating this annus primus completum (first year completed) all weekend (June 1-4). We’ll be toasting you!




Our home planet: Spaceship Earth